Core Talent
AHA’s organizational culture and structure is based on the principles of self-managing teams acting with personal mastery. Self-managing teams are well described in Frederic Laloux’ treatise Reinventing Organizations, easily accessible in the Illustrated Edition. Personal Mastery is well described in the seminal business book The Fifth Discipline by the estimable business professor and sage Peter Senge at the MIT Sloan School of Management. These along with other organizational best practice are synthesized on our Founding CEO Bob Beth’s personal website – Organizing in Times of Accelerating Change.

Bob Beth, Founding CEO and Hydrogen Ambassador
Born curiosity-driven, Bob is a global adventurer, South Pacific sailor, software pioneer, and life long tech startup pro. Equally to small startups and global companies, he brings deep expertise in unlocking unprecedented opportunities through cross-sector mashups in service to the urgent transition to a Life Sustaining Society. Now in his sixth decade as a discerning early adopter of technologies, he is sought out as a true modern elder and creator of communities of practice spreading consciousness in business and to the transformation of the global energy system.
Bob is currently weaving together a shared values-based whanau, keiretsu or family of independent, naturally coupled – whenever possible indigenous-owned – companies whose complementary capabilities enable epic collaboration solving wicked economy-wide problems. His thought leadership and selected experience are highlighted below:
Special Advisor, California Clean Energy Moonshot – World Business Academy – Impact Procurement Network in service to the 17 Global Goals
AHA7.Energy – Algorithmic Hydrogen Alliance

Dr. Matua Jansen, Cert. Hsc, BHB, MBCHB (Dist.), MBA. Member of Board of Directors, Establishment Trustee Murihiku Nature Trust, Trustee Hokimai Kawau Nature Trust.
Dr Matua Jansen graduated with distinction from the University of Auckland Medical School in 2008 and then moved to Sydney to complete his internship and residency at Liverpool Hospital, a major trauma centre and one of Australia’s largest hospitals.
After nearly a decade as a medical officer in the fields of oncology and general medicine Dr Jansen has transitioned to management and leadership. In addition to his medical studies, Dr Matua completed his MBA at Auckland University, with a particular focus on the intersection of business management, leadership and healthcare.
Dr Matua is the co-founder and the managing director of CDA Health, having a passion for chronic pain management and finding safer, non-synthetic, plant-based alternatives to opioids. Dr Matua aims to develop a company that’s purpose and value driven, basing on core values of transparency, honesty and integrity.

Roberto Reichard, Chief Project Development Executive
Roberto is passionate about regenerative approaches to conceptualize, design, and implement major capital projects. Throughout his 30 year career in the engineering, construction, and energy industries, Roberto has developed a track record of aligning multiple stakeholders and leading innovative infrastructure and energy projects around the world. His current areas of interest include lowering the embodied carbon in project materials and equipment and during construction, as well as development of climate adaptive/resilient infrastructure.
With BP global project organization Roberto was vice president of project management for global major projects, vice president of projects in Asia Pacific, vice president of developments in Alaska, and was named a BP distinguished technical advisor in project management. His experience includes heading liquified natural gas (LNG) projects in Indonesia and Alaska. Prior to that, during his 20 years with Bechtel, Roberto led numerous projects around the world, including offshore mega-projects in the Gulf of Mexico and in the deep waters of India’s Bay of Bengal.
Roberto has accomplished several first-of-a-kind developments including the world’s largest nitrogen from air capture plant, the first floating oil storage tanker able to offload to two tankers simultaneously, and the first deepwater subsea gas development in India.
Roberto holds an M.Sc. in Engineering from Imperial College, London and an MBA from University of Dayton, Ohio.

Mike Shatford, Chief Relationship Officer and Chair of the Board of Directors
Mike is a generalist leader, trusted advisor and specialist in stakeholder relations, corporate and external communications. He has a background in working with public sector leaders to help turn strategy into action and achieve results.
Before joining SBA Strategy in 2018, Mike worked in the public sector as a military officer, developing his leadership, strategy and stakeholder relations skills and since 2008, worked in the core public service with in a variety of senior roles across government – leading large public relations groups, responding to the Canterbury Earthquake sequence and having worked as the interface with government ministers.
In terms of Mike’s Public Relations/Corporate Communications experience -Mike had led functions and groups in the New Zealand Defence Force, Ministry of Social Development and Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority. Each of these roles required significant external and stakeholder experience and involved challenging and often complex issues and projects.

Nigel Shatford, General Manager
Nigel is an experienced manager and senior advisor with over 16 years’ experience across various roles in the public sector. He has an effective and pragmatic style that is heavily outcome focused. He has extensive experience in strategic design and planning, designing frameworks, developing and implementing work programmes, preparing business cases, developing networks across organisations, and supporting governance frameworks.
Nigel has strong problem-solving skills, and is often asked to undertake trouble shooting roles, lead or support formal reviews and assessments, setup programmes of work and produce urgent business cases.
Nigel is an outcome focused generalist and can support organizations across a range of functions to deliver to business priorities and strategic outcomes.