Mission and Earthshot One Fellowship

Our mission is to create regenerative value and community wealth, equitably shared, by accelerating the transformation of the energy system of New Zealand from being fossil fuel-based to renewably-based by 2030 within a decade.

He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the people, it is the people, it is the people
Maori proverb

AHA-NZ is a member of the global Algorithmic Hydrogen Alliance AHA7.Energy and enjoys access to the thought leadership, patterns, and expert network at AHA7 Global.  We encourage any prospective customers or partners to understand Impact Procurement, and how by committing today to shift future purchasing to regenerative sources, you can bring a meaningful contribution to accelerating the arrival of the Regenerative Earth Positive Economy.

AHA is first and foremost a crusade and a movement organized and resourced as a for-profit benefit company. We call forth a mythic deepening of meaning and purpose from all who collaborate. The journey will be collectively heroic as is true of all great transformations.

Eco-philosopher, Earth elder, and spiritual activist, Joanna Macy (b. 1929) promotes a transition from the Industrial Growth Society to a Life-Sustaining Society. She calls it the Great Turning, a revolution of great urgency: “While the agricultural revolution took centuries, and the industrial revolution took generations, this ecological revolution has to happen within a matter of a few years.”

AHA is in service to the Great Turning, aligned with the Global Goals, in particularly Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy.

Our Objective for the Decade

Our objective is to – with all due haste – substantially improve the energy affordability, energy efficiency, overall resilience and energy security of the New Zealand economy, and to provide scale affordable renewable fuel options to those New Zealand businesses and organizations “the alliance of the willing” that have made commitments to transition their energy consumption to zero carbon sources.

Key Whole System Objectives​:

● Creating options at scale for the New Zealand economy to adopt zero emission energy without excessively burdening existing fossil fuel use cases not able to switch readily.
● Channeling an increasing portion of US$ 5.3 billion annual spend (as of 2019) for imported oil to a recurring macroeconomic stimulus to the economy by year by year, keeping an increasing amount of this spend within New Zealand. Due to the early 2020 precipitous drop in oil prices this spend looks likely to be lower in 2020, however still a significant prospective stimulus.
● Providing additional stimulus to the New Zealand economy through the investment in next energy facilities and energy sources.
● Creating substantive and lasting energy security for New Zealand through weaning off imported oil from increasingly volatile regions of the world.
● Creating real and economic resiliency for New Zealand by achieving energy self sufficiency and ability to supply essential needs in worst case scenarios of long-duration global supply chain disruptions.
● Clear pathway to achieving goals and commitments called for by The Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Amendment Bill
● Fully in accord with ​Global Goal 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy

The Global Solutions Network Pattern

About our Operational and Delivery Network

In his book Creating Climate Wealth, the man who unlocked the commercial solar market in the U.S. and LinkedIn top influencer of 2017, Jigar Shah expressed his opinion that most visionary entrepreneurs do not pay enough attention to market timing and that bad market timing is the underlying reason most startups fail.

Building on our founder Bob Beth’s synthesis on Organizing in Times of Accelerating Change, AHA has structured from the outset in the new organizational pattern known as an Operational and Delivery Network.  In this pattern the talent and resources are identified and inspired to serve upfront, while remaining engaged in other contributing activities elsewhere, available to iteratively allocate their attention to AHA when needed, and otherwise working with others on wicked problems imagineering epic solutions.

In this manner, AHA is able to selectively and iteratively move on a chessboard of market segments, in right timing, making moves to shape the market as the market itself and other market complementors explore contours to find where the financially sustainable segments are ripe.

To learn more, enjoy thought leader Don Tapscott’s great perspective and insight in proposing the Global Solution Network – or GSN – as a new and particularly effective type of global problem-solving organization.

Earthshot One Fellowships

Climate Change into a Beautiful Future, Let Us Join Together and Make It So

From the Golden State treasures of Silicon Valley to the Salish Sea and beyond, in partnership with the estimable

Climate Mobilization Project

We swiftly attract donations, epic-sized and backer-sized, all appreciated massively

to award fellowships providing a thriving wage through 2030 to

100 + master level climate-positive whole system practitioners

from diverse walks of life

Earthshot One Fellowship – Kickstart Cohort One


Endowing the Murihiku Nature Trust at Establishment

51% of the Abundance from Earthshot One Aotearoa New Zealand and the AHA Endows MNT

Click to view the evolving vision board for the establishment of the Murihiku Nature Trust.